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Author Topic: Shooting the breeze with SCT  (Read 8844 times)
Posts: 30

« on: July 01, 2016, 01:17:01 PM »

Hello @all.

OK, I will be using this thread to just discuss things that are on other Forums. I will try to make a link to the thread in question at the start of the posts or if there is just general talk then no link will be required.

I want to start this thread as a place that I can  just post my thoughts as I see the world of OU evolve hopefully from the EE straight jacket into a burgeoning of Spin Conveyance based progress. I know it will not be easy. It is hard enough preparing Part 3 of the STEP and SCT since the atom is the main player that can be involved in so many many facets of our lives, it's not easy to keep a straight line of thought. So while that is being advanced, this thread will be my daily place for shooting the breeze in all forms of topics.

To start with, I would like to refer to a thread at OUR entitled "MH's ideal coil and voltage question" located here.

In this thread we have @milehigh who is simply there to attack @tinman and push his EE ideal coil and ideal voltage so that @tinman will magically become an EE convert. Imagine, EE has to use an ideal voltage that cannot increase or decrease in time applied to an ideal inductor of 5H and they want to know what will happen when these two non existent forces meet. And from this, they are supposed to try and inculcate some level of EE savvy onto the masses. This is like someone getting a lobotomy to study stupidity. If you go through that thread you will see that @tinman has provided ample points for them to back off and reconsider their stances, but no, in the end @MH just yells out to @tinman "You are a coward". Well the only coward there is @MH for not being able to go above and beyond his little limitations of EE.

OK, EMF, CEMF. Are they real or are they an illusion? If they are real, they need to have a physical presence hence a physical expression otherwise they are not real in our world of physical reality. So were is this EMF and also this CEMF that is supposed to be countering the EMF in exact force and kind? hahaha.

In EE it's  to put your finger on them when all you have is "current flow", "electron flow" and "magic fields" to play around with all day then wonder, what did I just learn today. Well you learned that the most unproven concepts of modern times are to be relegated to the top of the intellectual totem pole and if you don't like it, you will never advance in the closed world of electronics and dare we say never advance in the field of OU. hahaha This is where we are. You see, we do have some very fine toys that make our lives so much easier and because these toys work, they automatically enforce or uplift the EE construct as being real. But we all know EE understanding does not have to be real to work. Like when @MH constantly beats into your head "That's how a coil works", hahahaha. But that is not true. The truth is, that's how a coil responds to outer stimuli but that does not explain how it works. Knowing how something works happens when you can take it apart, see how it is made, then put it back together and make it work again. That's when you know how something works. All @MH can say is "That's what coils respond too". That would be closer to the truth.

They say the EMF applied to the coil is met by the CEMF that counters the advancement and from this whole big mess of actions we magically produce current flow. It's such a null statement that it is hard to disagree with because you just don't know where to grab first to start tearing it apart. It's like a slimy slippery snake that you can never hold in your hands because it always manages to slide away.

So let's just take one step at a time here. What is voltage, because that is what is being applied to the coil? Well we say voltage is a potential difference (PD). Wow. Now that says it all. Let's all go home and be happy now. Wow, a potential difference. OK, what is a potential difference? They say that when you measure across a voltage source, you are measuring the potential difference across that voltage source. Again, such a revelation should have remained as the Fourth Secret of Fatima. It's just way to profound for the common man to comprehend. But what does it mean?

Well, the PD can be anything. You can have +20 volts on the positive side and -5 volts on the negative side of the voltage source and your scope or volt meter will show what? 25 volts as the PD. Wow 25 volts, know that is so great to know but how will you be able to know that the positive is at 20 volts and the negative is at -5 volts. That you will never know. Not with EE.

All you will see is the PD and from there most EEers consider that when they see 25 volts PD, one side is 25 volts and the other side is 0 volts. That you will never know because the way we do our measurements excludes any consideration of energy being present as a pointal base. It always has to be a comparative of two specific points. Even though everything in our universe is a pointal presence, we can see another planet, we can see other galaxies, we can see a rock heading for our head, we can see a kiss approaching our cheek, we can see everything as pointal, but not EE. No way. EE is special. It always needs two points to produce a PD that really does not mean anything at all because you never consider the two pointal expressions which are the only reality present in the measurement exercise. Yes but it works. It sure does. But it is like EE is working in Braille even though you can see you are asked to remain blind to some facts.

OK, so voltage is a PD, fine let's take that. Like any voltage source you have a positive and a negative connection in the case of DC, or, you have a hot and a neutral connection in the case of AC. We call the applied voltage an Electro-Motive Force (EMF). But hold on a minute. Electro means what? It means electron based. But where are the electrons and how do they know which way to "travel". Don't ask don't tell. OK, then Motive. Motive is always physically based in solid mass reality. Again don't ask. OK, then Force. Well Force again has to be a physical event. Just take them and run will y'a. OK. So we have EMF. Wow. All this invisible, non-physical action is happening so politely that it generate a real physical force called EMF. Hmmmm. I don't think so but nice try EE.

In understanding EMF and CEMF, the first ingredient, voltage is already so badly understood that everything else that comes after it is just skewed to a popularity contest. The more people like it, the more will follow it and EE has had 150 plus years to coral a following, so today, no one asks these questions anymore. No one dares place any doubt on the EE because it pays our bills. But how will you advance if you do not? Is deepening the EE really advancement when a simple thing like voltage is so evasive to common understanding that one already needs to have a high level of imagination to place these events in our working minds that just yearn for clarity where clarity is absent. Absent because the only thing EEers can grab onto is, apply the voltage, electrons flow, the CEMF counters and produces current flow. Flow flow flow, always invisible electron and current just flow like water in a river. That's it. That's all you have to go by. Now just forget about visualizing resistance, inductance, impedance, capacitance and all the other ances out there. Those are not even on the visual table for EEers to put into a mind play. You see (pun not intended) why I say EE is Braille Technology. Just too many unseen, unknown considerations that are spelled out in formulas that have such official sounding bases and rules and laws that anyone who is green and ready to learn will fall into it and quickly learn to not ask hard questions.

OK, ok I know I can get to be a pain in the ass and I am not your regular academic with such a polished repertoire, I can be crass at times, but that's my way of making sense of all this in a way that I can only talk about it to convey something that is so hard to see as wrong and even harder to explain as wrong.

Applied voltage, if not a physical condition cannot produce anything motive, any more then dreaming of a nice rich breakfast will fill your stomach. There is no way out of it. When you apply voltage how can you only apply EMF. The voltage applied has two conductors. If applying voltage applies EMF, then is absolutely also has to apply CEMF and what great luck, our voltage is applied by two conductors. The applied voltage or applied PD has to apply both the EMF and CEMF to the coil. The coil does not care. Connect it one way or the other, the Copper Atoms in the coil wire are totally impartial to how it is connected because the actual EMF and CEMF is coming from the applied voltage and nothing else. There is no CEMF in the coil. It is produced in the coil as an effect of applying the PD, potential difference, one side EMF and other side CEMF. This is always the case when a coil or any other single object is exposed to a PD because we work our devices in a linear mode, going from one side to the other side, always. Once we start working our devices in dual mode, EMF and CEMF will no longer matter. They will become two pluses to an overall effect and not the half plus half hindrance we consider it to be today in our regular EE modes. So much loss of the potential and we wonder why our schools do not push us out of this quagmire because the profits of loss are too important to deny. We teach loss acceptance because someone up there is cashing in every single minute.

OK, veering off again.

We have to take a small turn here to understand something very important. Close your eyes and imagine a system with a water tank, a pump, a length of pipe that returns to the water tank. So turn the pump on and the water will now flow in a continuous loop starting from and returning to the water tank. Now imagine you have included two water flow meters, one at the pipe exiting the water tank before it feeds into the suction side of the pump and one at the pipe just before it returns to the water tank. So if the water is pumped at 5 gallons per minute (gpm), WHAT WILL THE FLOW METERS INDICATE? Yes, you are right. Both meters will indicate 5 gpm. No more no less. This is a perfect example of something flowing originating from a source and returning to a target either being the source or anywhere else, this does not matter. The important thing to keep in mind is that flow, to flow has to be the same in and out otherwise there is no flow possible. You cannot suck in 10 gpm and return only 5 gpm. You cannot suck in 5 gpm and return 10 gpm. So flow is exactly that, flow in, same as flow out.

Now take any coil you want. Take any pulse method you have and apply it to the coil via two Current Viewing Resistors (CVR), one on each end of the coil before the voltage is connected. Now drive the coil any way you want and take your scope and scope across both CVR's. WHAT WILL YOU SEE? Will you see two identical sine waves? What. I can't hear you so you will have to say it out loud. No you don't. Yep, you will never see two identical sine waves. Never. This means what in terms of flow? One side shows 1 amp and the other side shows .05 amps. So where is the current flowing too? Right. There is no current flowing ever and you just proved it right there. Right there EE will now say so many magical things like, well, you have heat loss, loss to resistance, so much loss that this is why you see nothing at one end of the coil. I don't care how you want to falsely rationalize this. There is still no current flowing in that coil and there never will be any current flowing in that coil, no more then there will be electrons flowing in that coil because everything inside that coil is physically accounted for as Copper Atoms. EE will try to say the electrons flow as EMF, and the coil produces the CEMF and from that we have current flow. Where the hell is it possible for all this to happen inside the coil? There is no where, there is no way, there is no possible way for electrons to do that.

So we have a voltage source. So what is voltage? Well, it just can't be electrons flowing in the wire and it cannot be current flowing in the wire either. We just showed that is . Then what is voltage? Awww shucks, you had to ask that one really bad question again. Now we have to take another turn and visit a power generating station. This station is hydro-electric, meaning water that is stored at a high altitude is left to fall in a controlled tunnel then through turbines that turn by the force of the water flowing. Those turbines are connected to giant generators. Inside those generators, you have these huge magnets that line the center turning rotor while around the rotor you have these huge stationary iron laminations with copper wire coils wound in a way that when the magnet polarity passes a wire, it produces electricity. Wow. So electricity is what? It's the voltage. So how is the magnet creating voltage in the coils? That is the 60,000 dollar question that has been the Achilles Heel of EE since 150 years now when the first wrong turns of science were made and we have been on patch mode ever since.

EE says that the magnet has this magical field around it, that is not physically possible to feel but you can put a compass next to it and see the needle turning towards the magnet so this is why our grand science has accepted that a magnet has a field. All our science is based on this one grand illusion and all our scientific EE formulas were designed or should I say concocted to reinforce that one illusion. You see this cannot be any more real then if someone punched you in the face with a thought. The punch has to came from a real fist hitting a real face. The punch did not come from the fists field just passing by your face. It really hit it smack dab solid, physical to physical, because in our physical reality only a physical action can cause a physical reaction. So that magnet cannot have a field. The magnet can only have itself. The coils cannot have electrons. The coils can only have themselves. So what's left when you eliminate the magnets field and the coils electrons. You don't know? Well it's not a great mystery. You are left with Magnet Atoms and Coil Atoms. So why did we decide to make this generator with magnets and coils. Yes, because the magnet has an affinity to mimmick what every respectable hunk of mass is attracted to and that is Gravity. Magnets simulate Gravity because that is all atoms can do in the end, produce gravity. It's just that a magnet produces concentrated gravity in a small package. So what about the coil. What can it do? Well the coil has Copper Atoms and each of those atoms have a gyroscopic slightly off balanced nucleus where the off balance will always want to point towards the strongest gravity presence. When nothing special is around them, they all point down to the center of the Earth as the closest strong gravity presence. But when the magnet passes it, wow, it's like a dog just saw a squirrel and they just fix that magnet as it passes by and once it is too far, the next magnet comes by and the nuclei fix that next one and follow it and this is how the nucleus of the copper atom works. It is endowed with a very reactive gyro-nucleus so it responds to outer stimuli like a passing magnet or it responds to inline stimuli as in an applied voltage source and this stimuli is then conveyed from one atom to the next without any electron or field involved or required until that conveyance is sent to the end of the wire.

So now.............what is voltage? Voltage is a source of spin conveyance. The spin is described in Part 2 of the STEP and SCT on this forum. Part 3 will get deeper into the atomic nature of the Spin Conveyance. But for this discussion, Voltage is spin conveyance. But let's say I take a 1/4" thick copper wire of 20 feet and apply 1 volt at .1 amp to it. Do you think all the atoms in that copper wire will be active in the conveyance of that small amount of energy? No way. It will produce only a very thin stream of atoms active in the conveyance of that energy and chances are at only 1 volt, the conveyance will not even make it to the end of the wire.
OK analogy time. Take 10 flyback transformers and hook them up so you can have any number of them running via 10 manual switches and 10 rheostats (RH) on the primary. Put all the high voltage outputs in parallel across a spark gap. Run one flyback with the RH at low. This will produce a very thin and short spark. Now increase the RH so more voltage is going to the primary. Now the spark is still as thin but it is now longer. Increase the RH again. The spark is still the same thinness but it is now much longer. Now add the second flyback at the same RH as the first. Wow, the spark is just as long but now it is double the thickness. As you set all the other RH's to maximum and add then to the group of flybacks, the spark stays the same length but by the time the tenth flyback is on, the spark is now really thick almost solid looking and the length is always the same. So as we increased the RH we increased the voltage and as we increased the number of flybacks in action, we increased the current now producing this really nice spark.

So what does this tell us about voltage and current. In spin conveyance voltage is how far a signal can be conveyed and current is the number of copper atoms active in the conveyance. When that 1/4" copper wire is pushed with only 1 volt and .1 amp, the stream of conveyance is as thin or thinner then the single flyback spark. As I increase the amperage or current to 1 amp, now the stream of conveyance is much thicker but at 1 volt, the distance of conveyance is still weak. Now if I increase the voltage to 100 volts and 25 amps, wow, now the conveyance in the copper wire is much thicker and with 100 volts, the conveyance can reach the end of the wire no problem.

So what he have is this. Voltage is the distance of conveyance and current is the number of atoms active in the conveyance. So simple. So direct, So exact. So easy to visualize in the mind. So fluent because it is applicable to every single effect we have every seen on the bench or anywhere else. So precise that now this will explain exactly what resistance is in atomic copper wire, inductance, capacitance, etc. With a physical atom having a physical gryo-nucleus, there is nothing that cannot be explained in our effects. You no longer require fantasy current flow, electron flow or field imposition. These three just got junked after 150 years of foolery. Y'a y'a foolery that works is still foolery.

So let's now go back to the start about EMF and CEMF.

If the voltage source is a source of Spin Conveyance (SC), that spin is seen from one end as one polarity and the other end as the other polarity. Actually, the spin is always the same but seen from each side of the source as + and - the spin source when applied to the coil wire does not travel through the wire, it is conveyed fro both ends through the wire without any moving electrons. The SC enters the coil but let's now take the real steps of connecting the coil first.

Let's say you first connect the positive of the voltage source  to the coil. As I had shown in my Half Coil Syndrome (HCS) videos, that conveyance is now reaching to the open end of the coil that is not connected yet. That conveyance sets up what we know to be the CEMF. Now when you connect the negative that conveyance now wants to fight against the positive conveyance and that fight will reach a point of equilibrium where the positive and the negative conveyance reaches the center of the coil winding. The negative push is the EMF. Whichever polarity is connected first becomes the source of CEMF. Then the other polarity when connected to complete the conveyance circuit becomes the EMF. Cemf sets up and EMF completes. All this can do is create a change in only happen up to half way inside the coil end that got connected last. So easy.

So what happens here. Well unfortunately this is the classic EE situation that produces HCS because the only real change happening in the coil is the half of the coil that is being connected last. This is HCS. What you see with the CVR is how many atoms are active in the conveyance and does not imply any current flow on anything.

OK, I will stop here for now.

Look, I know this is hard to understand at the start but  just imagine how hard it is for me to start explaining this concept of SC. I know that in a few years when a few academics get on this, they will be more in line with how to prepare this for future students as an optional course in electronics. I am not the best one to do that. I am only the jerk that layed the egg. Others will definitely be required to sit on it for it to hatch into a full fledged new science of SC. This touches not only EE. It touches everything. All Atoms. I will say more in Part 3.

The Atom turns out to be the greatest lego in the Universe. No field or electron required.
I have to keep saying that all the time.


Note: Reedited July 01, 2016, 10:11:01 PM
« Last Edit: July 02, 2016, 02:12:03 AM by wattsup » Logged
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