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Author Topic: Ideas for Experiments  (Read 7455 times)
Posts: 30

« on: June 17, 2016, 02:47:21 AM »

Are you looking for Ideas for Experiments?

This post #1 will hold my Shout Outs to anyone out there that can do experiments. I will add them on this post and hopefully some will have what it takes to accomplish any of them as this will help tremendously in the bettering of Spin Conveyance Theory (SC or SCT) as well as that which we hold today may either be stronger when integrated with or eventually fade out of favor, that will not be only up to me. hahaha

So I will give a summary of the experiments and if anyone can do it please PM me before with your plans on how to proceed.

Oh, if you are a university professor and have great ideas for new experiments that may go against the present grain of thought and you do not want to risk losing your position, send it to me via PM. I will post it here and but ask me to mark it as Origin: Anonymous, then I will delete your PM. hahaha

Lastly, if you have seen an experiment that would help explain similar effects, please let me know.


1. Magnetic forces in a vacuum. Origin: wattsup

Make a base and a jig that can hold four pairs of magnets under normal gravity as follows;

M = Magnet, E = Expanding Spring between Attraction, A = Ambient Repulsion Space N = North, S = South

BASE ---------------------------------

These should be mounted on a base, then do some distance measurements between the top and bottom magnets for initial Repulsion (A) and Attraction (E). Then take that base and secure it in a vacuum chamber that can gradually produce a good, serious vacuum. During the gradual rise in vacuum, see if there is any change in the distances of the four pairs. Provide a video of the experiment(s).

These can also be done in single pairs and four runs.

Please be careful since the Attraction magnets should have an expanding spring between them and should the vacuum suddenly arrive at any critical level that the Attraction is nullified instantly, the magnets could fly up and maybe break something.

If you consider how much was spent on CERN and on everything field related, it would be a true insult indeed if the field was but concentrated air, and maybe that explains why magnets loose strength when they get hot. That would then confirm that even CERN is not producing a field because they do their colliding in a vacuum as well and that would show that the coils are producing gravity and gravity being equal all around, the atom will still stay in the center, like it would in free space and their instruments would still show what they see now.

Hahaha. I know this is asking a lot but I have never seen or read anyone do this one experiment that would give any chance for the field to survive. could eliminate the field and for Spin Conveyance, either way, it would be good to know. I think only a University could do this as I do not have that kind of equipment.

So which University would like to do an experiment that could disprove the field in one shot? If nothing happens, great, but we still would need to see this as a minimal.

Basis: Drill a well to the outer edge of Earths core and tell me what will be the atmospheric pressure at that level. Like all would imagine it being very high, maybe high enough to float in air, like two balloons pressing against each other or like two repulsing magnets holding their own atmospheric integrity while being unhindered by manual touch.

The only experiment I have seen that comes to mind is this great demo of liquid oxygen poured over strong N/S poles of a huge magnet and what I see is so important since liquid oxygen can at least be seen. You can read my comment on that video since for me it is not conclusive if the liquid pouring effect is not also done on two pieces of wood or anything else non-magnetic to show that the effect only occurs between two magnetic poles. Search Liquid Oxygen on Youtube for more.

Now look at this one and listen to the explanation of oxygen;

So......when that finite volume of the liquid oxygen finally disappears, evaporates, returns to open air that for this magnet would seem as infinite in available volume, who is to say that the same concentration we saw is not still there. We know air is there but have we ever tested if it plays into the repulsion.

If there was a higher oxygen concentration on the magnet pole, can it be explained with this experiment of a magnet submerged in water? Can the oxygen in water want to concentrate on the magnetic pole so much that it will split off the water molecule and produce those two bubble clouds? hehehe

Have fun.


2. Solar Energy while mimicking Amazon Tree Tops - Origin: wattsup

It is well known that the richness of the undergrowth in the Amazon jungle cannot be explained by sunlight since it is covered by a rather dense tree canopy. Is it possible that constant sun produces less atomic vibration or ultimately a delta V (in voltage), while the moving canopy produces intervals of sun and shade that creates a higher delta V?

Take two sets as follows;
Small Solar Panel and Battery Charger Circuit, Battery, Volt Meter.
plus, one variable controlled electric fan or any other rotating fan type object.

Under identical sunlight conditions run both sets for 30 minutes to get a paired comparison. Then place the fan in front of only one of the sets so that the fan blades create a moving shade over the solar panel and set the rotation speed to a slow passage, vary until you can notice any rise or decrease in the volts in that set compared to the other. Show a video and tabulating results of volts and maybe fan rpm.


3. Animation and programming of gyroscopic sphere magnet (even 3D printing as well) Origin: wattsup

Imagine you take a 1" sphere magnet with its North and South poles and snap it into a gyroscopic mechanism that you can control by moving one or more variable sized magnets of variable type. So as you move the small magnets, the center sphere will react. hahaha This would be a dream in 3D.

Animation - Now imagine you have a million of those gyros all stuck inside a XX AWG length of copper wire. All of them all pointing down towards the Earth Core. Then a magnet passes nearby and they start turning towards it simply based on closest mutual vector points plus their mutual gyro conveyance which is one of the bases of Spin Conveyance.

You then add features like the center magnet is replaced by the nucleus of copper and you can include a few more or all periodical elements selection. You provide a degree buoyancy based on the atomic weight plus the spread between neutrons and protons for that element. The greater will be the pointer that provides a level for how reactive it is to magnetic influence. hahaha

You can then add a scope output showing what the slightest copper atom nuclei jitter, or sway, or show, or swing, or shoot, or stay would produce. You could program iterations in degrees per pico-second and start equating those to volts and amps. hehehehehe That would be so great to produce the link between SC and the scope.

You then include an amperage function that shows the cut away of a wire at X AWG and by varying the amperage you show that more and more or less and less atom are under the same gyrations.

This project is much more complicated then I could resume here so if anyone in really able to produce animations and have interest, please let me know.


That's it for now but I will add more of these on this post as well as any experiments that were done on of the above.

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